Thursday, August 22, 2013

Plants vs Zombies Survival Fog Hard-How to Beat It

I recently completed Survival Fog Hard and I decided to share my strategy for the first 2 flags and share some tips 

Here's my strategy:

Plants to pick:
Lily Pad
Melon Pult
Winter Melon
Imitater Pumpkin
Twin Sunflower


[(T)S] S M(W) P P ________
[(T)S] S M(W) P P ________
 (T)S  S M(W) s  s ________
 (T)S  S M(W) s  s ________
[(T)S] S M(W) P P ________
[(T)S] S M(W) P P ________

          =Lily Pads
_____= Empty space
(T)S=Twin Sunflower
[ ]=Pumpkin/Imitater Pumpkin
M = Melon Pult
M(W) = Winter Melon


-After the first two flags, the seeds you pick depends on what types of zombies approach, if you see a catapult,choose umbrella leaf, if you see a digger, pick split pea and magnet shroom (actually, pick magnet-shroom anyways) if you see pole vaulters or dolphin riders, pick Tall-nut.

- Put your planterns and magnet-shrooms in the pool so they don't get crushed (by gargantuars and vehicles).

-Prepare for digger zombies early on, in the early flags, I pumpkined my back Sunflowers and replaced the puff-shrooms and sea-shrooms with split peas.

-Buy all upgrades beforehand, My first flag setup requires Winter Melons, Twin Suns, and Imitater, later on I added in some Gloom-shrooms, and if you see a Catapult Zombie, I'd suggest Spikerock.

-Don't rely on Sun-Shrooms, in my early tries at SFH, I used sun-shrooms as my source of sun, when I switched to (Twin) Sunflowers I won with 9990 sun in my bank.

-Cattails are really bad offence, in my prior-to-winning attempts at SFH I used these guys, Melon-Pults, and Gloom-Shrooms as my main offence, one time, a football zombie broke through my defenses and the only thing hitting him was the homing spikes of a cattail, the FBZ was almost killed when my cattail started hitting something else.
Needless to say, I lost.

Post tips and tricks of your own on how to beat SFH (Survival Fog Hard) in the comments section below, and I will add them to my Tips List, you will be credited.

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